Saturday, October 31, 2009

How the brain regulates heart rate?

Through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Look it up. Would take FOREVER to explain.

Yong- while the heart does have its own pacemakers, and it does maintain its own rhythm. The Central Nervous system does REGULATE that rhythm. Through the sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous systems it increases and decreases the rate (chronotropic effects), and the force of contraction (Inotropic effects) to maintain the bodies blood pressure. All this is based on input the brain receives from special pressure receptors in the renal artery (feeding the kidney), and coronary sinus of the heart. These pressure sensors tell the brain what the blood pressure is. The brain responds by regulating the bodies blood pressure through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The same thing happens with your breathing. Through special chemical receptors in the bodies blood vessels which tells the brain the bloods PH and Carbon Dioxide saturation. This in turn makes you breath faster or slower.

How the brain regulates heart rate?

This very same question was asked during lecture in my nursing class. Actually, it was a true or false question. T or F, the brain regulates the heart rate, and the answer was false. I answered true because I was thinking the same thing as the person above (the CNS). So, the brain doesn%26#039;t regulate heart rate. The heart regulates on its own. The heart has its own pacemaker. The electrical impulse starts at the SA (SinoAtrial) node (which is the main pacemaker), then to AV (AtrioVentriular) node, then to Bundle of his, then to Bundle branches, and finally to Purkinje Fibers.

How the brain regulates heart rate?

The brain does not regulate heart rate at all, the hearts own pacemaker does, however, if you get into say the fight or flight mechinism, then the nervous systems do secrete chemicals that can have an affect on the heart rate, but normally, the heart regulates itself.

After exercising for 30 minutes my heart rate was 112 bpm. I am 47, weigh 135. Is this good?

To make sure you%26#039;re getting the workout level you want there is a formula you can use to find your target heart rate:

220 - your age = #. ====%26gt; # * 60 to 80 % = Target Heart Rate.

For you, it is:

220 - 47 = 173 =====%26gt; 173 * .80 = 138 bpm (using max of 80%)

There are other ways to find your target heart rate, having to do with finding your resting heart rate...I%26#039;ll link to one below. There is also an easy non-math way to decide if you%26#039;re working out hard enough: can you talk while you%26#039;re exercising or are you out of breath and struggling? If you can talk while you%26#039;re exercising, but are still breathing harder than usual, you%26#039;re probably fine.

Just a note: I don%26#039;t know if you have any health problems or other things that may have an affect on these numbers...they are assuming you are in good health. See a doctor, nutritionist or physical trainer for specific to your case information.

Whatever the case, you%26#039;re excercising so you rock! Keep it up!

After exercising for 30 minutes my heart rate was 112 bpm. I am 47, weigh 135. Is this good?

It%26#039;s not bad, but to really get the benefit of the workout if this is during cardio, i would push it to at least 130

After exercising for 30 minutes my heart rate was 112 bpm. I am 47, weigh 135. Is this good?

My heard usually tops off at 160 when i really push it. I think your case is normal.

I%26#039;m 21 and probably out of shape. Maybe 160 is bad?

After exercising for 30 minutes my heart rate was 112 bpm. I am 47, weigh 135. Is this good?

It%26#039;s kind of low, but whether it%26#039;s too low depends on your goal and fitness level.

One basic formula for whether cardio-pulmonary workout has been hard enough is to take 220 and subtract your age, then multiple by anything from .65 (sedentary, overweight) to .85 (extremely fit, quite athletic). Don%26#039;t go higher without clearing it with your doctor.

That%26#039;s the target heart rate for cardio workout. A person of average fitness might use .75 as their factor.

220 - 47 = 173

173 x. 65 = 112

173 x .75 = 130

173 x .85 = 147

While I can%26#039;t guess your fitness level, your weight suggests you%26#039;re hardly obese, so maybe you want to work a bit harder and get your heart rate out of the range suggested for the unfit, sedentary, and/or overweight person.

Depending on what exercise you%26#039;re doing, adding arm movement, increasing speed, or exaggerating movement might be all it takes.

After exercising for 30 minutes my heart rate was 112 bpm. I am 47, weigh 135. Is this good?

I%26#039;m 41 yrs old, at 160, you are really going hard, like with running. 140 is good, so I%26#039;d push myself a bit, but not so much that you dread working out. I%26#039;d aim for small increments, like for 1 minute, I%26#039;m going to push myself to 140. Next week, try 5 minutes, whatever works for you. When I run, I start at 5%26#039;6, then I increase to 5.7, 5.8, etc. I may increase every mile at first, then every .75 of a mile, then every .70. Its what works for me. I%26#039;ve found that if I start at 6 miles an hour, I%26#039;m over training and I quit running, so push yourself a little, but not too much.

After exercising for 30 minutes my heart rate was 112 bpm. I am 47, weigh 135. Is this good?

thats is a good weight!

Can low frequency sound somehow affect heart rate?

I mean high power sub woofer sound speakers.

Can low frequency sound somehow affect heart rate?

no it will affect your hearing..

Can low frequency sound somehow affect heart rate?

It can and has been proven to collapse the lungs.

Can low frequency sound somehow affect heart rate?

No only electricity can affect your heart rate.

What is a normal heart rate for a 4 year old?

Anyone medically trained who can answer this please?

What is a normal heart rate for a 4 year old?

Generally 75-120 is the normal range for a resting heart rate for a 4 year old. Just thought id throw in that for a 4 year old, they should take 22-30 breaths per minute also.

What is the the heart rate for kids when they are doing excerises to benefit their health?

and what type of exercises are suitable for kids in the age group of12 to 17 to improve their cardiovascular

What is the the heart rate for kids when they are doing excerises to benefit their health?

It varies according to how strenous the exercise is. If you mean resting heart rate for a kid that%26#039;s in good shape, 60 - 70 should be fine. Swimming is one of the best exercises there is... low impact, high cardio, good strength training. Nothing better.

What is the the heart rate for kids when they are doing excerises to benefit their health?

depends on their age...

What is the the heart rate for kids when they are doing excerises to benefit their health?

75% of max heart rate is the normal standard for cardiovascular training. Max heart rate is 220-age. So in your case: for the 12 year old: 220-12=208, 208 x 0.75= 156 bpm; and for your 17 year old it would be: 220-17=203, 203 x 0.75= 152 bpm.

Your 12 year old should get great exercise from play, such as running, swimming, and sports, he/she should avoid weight training. Your 17 year old has developed enough to participate in all exercise.

What is the the heart rate for kids when they are doing excerises to benefit their health?

kids heart rate varies even they do not exercise, they are unlike adult. but they are fine.

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

I am 30 .The posters at the gym anything between 150 -170 is the aerobic zone should i just within this????????????+

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

You need to figure out your maximum heart rate which is 220-30=190 and you want to stay within 60-70 percent to stay aerobic and burn fat., so you your target is around 125 BPM. This is where you want to be to burn the most fat, 85% of your calories come from fat when you are in this zone. When you move up to 70-80% you burn less fat and more carbs and protein.

To do it correctly you need to find your real max heart rate, talk to one of the personal trainers at the gym about doing this. Each person閳ユ獨 max heart rate is different and the 220 閳?your age is just an approximation.

The thing to remember though is no matter what you are doing you are still burning calories! You definitely don閳ユ獩 want to be anaerobic very often!

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

Just stay within that zone

I just found this site if that helps


What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

Yes and no. It%26#039;s kind of complicated. During aerobic exercise, your body burns only glycogen, which ends up getting stored as fat if you don%26#039;t burn it off. So aerobic exercise is a good way to keep thin, right? Here%26#039;s the problem: Once you%26#039;ve burned off the glycogen, your body starts burning muscle. It only takes 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise for most people to completely burn out their glycogen stores. So if you%26#039;re working out in that 150-170 beat per minute zone, you need to cut it off at 40 minutes tops. Now, if you want to do exercise that burns fat and glycogen, the best exercise is -- ready for this? -- WALKING. You can walk as much as you want and you don%26#039;t have to worry about burning muscle unless you%26#039;re walking so much that you miss meals. Walking is better because you get more oxygen into your system when you%26#039;re not working so hard, and your body needs oxygen to burn fat. While it%26#039;s true that you burn more calories doing aerobic exercise, you%26#039;ll eventually reach a point where aerobic exercise is counterproductive, and that doesn%26#039;t happen when you walk. Does this help?

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

aerobic is considered 85% of your max heart rate. Fat burning is considered 65% of your max...

For your age, i believe the fat burning amount is 122 which is 218 - 30 (your age) times 65%.

If your workout is 40 minutes long or less, you%26#039;ll burn more calories and hence more fat at the aerobic rate...

The fat burning rate is better if you plan to workout more than an hour....

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

Aerobic and weight loss zones are actually a myth.

The harder you work the more calories you will burn but, if you work too hard (above your aerobic threshold) you will not be able to sustain it for any length of time.

You should work for at least 30 mins of continuous activity at a %26#039;good%26#039; heart rate where when you talk you have to pause for breath mid sentence. This is a good indicator.

Try to avoid eating directly before or after a workout. You want the body to use stored energy and not readily available energy for a workout.

Also, try to add weights to your workout. Toned muscle will increase your metabolism and so you%26#039;ll burn calories at a faster rate. Don%26#039;t worry about building muscle as its a very difficult thing to do.

The gym you%26#039;re in should have good instructors who can set a program for you. Ask if the are a member of REPS, the register for exercise professionals. If they don%26#039;t know what you mean, leave and find a new gym.

Hope this helps - good luck!

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

Heart Rate Zone Training

Fitness Zone

The Fitness Zone, which is 60-70% of your max HR. 85% of your calories burned in this zone are fats, 5% are proteins and 10% are carbohydrates. Studies have shown that in this zone you can condition your fat mobilization (getting fat out of your cells) while conditioning your fat transportation (getting fat to muscles). Thus, in this zone, you are training your fat cells to increase the rate of fat release and training your muscles to burn fat. Therefore, the benefits of this zone are not only the same as the healthy heart zone training at 50-60% but you are now slightly increasing the total number of calories burned and provide a little more cardiorespiratory benefits. You burn more total calories at this zone simply because it is more intense.

Aerobic Zone

The next zone, the Aerobic Zone, requires that you train at 70-80% of your max HR.

This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. In this zone, your functional capacity will greatly improve and you can expect to increase the number and size of blood vessels, increase vital capacity and respiratory rate and achieve increases in pulmonary ventilation, as well as increases in arterial venous oxygen. Moreover, stroke volume (amount of blood pumped per heart beat) will increase, and your resting heart rate will decrease. What does all this mean? It means that your cardiovascular and respiratory system will improve and you will increase the size and strength of your heart. In this zone, 50% of calories burned are from carbohydrates, 50% are from fat and less than 1% is from protein. And, because there is an increase in intensity, there is also an increase in the total number of calories burned.

Anaerobic Zone

The next training zone is called the Threshold or Anaerobic zone, which is 80-90% of your max HR. Benefits include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardiorespiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you%26#039;ll be able to fight fatigue better. Since the intensity is high, more calories will be burned than within the other three zones. Although more calories are burned in this zone, 85% of the calories burned are from carbohydrates, 15% from fat and less than 1% are from protein.

Red-line Zone

The last training zone is called the Redline Zone, which is 90-100% of your max HR. Remember, training at 100% is your maximum heart rate (maximum HR), your heart rate will not get any higher. This zone burns the highest total number of calories and the lowest percentage of fat calories. Ninety percent of the calories burned here are carbohydrates, only 10% are fats and again less than one percent is protein. This zone is so intense that very few people can actually stay in this zone for the minimum 20 minutes, or even five minutes (you should only train in this zone if you are in very good shape and have been cleared by a physician to do so). Usually, people use this zone for interval training. For example, one might do three minutes in the Aerobic Zone and then one minute in this Redline Zone and then back to the Aerobic Zone.

What is my ideal heart rate zone for a weightloss workout??

I%26#039;d do what the posters say. Wish I was 30 again though.

What is the normal heart rate for girls age 15?

133 - take your age, divide by your inactive heart rate, multiply it by 2 - and you have your suggested heart rate.

I bought a Energetic heart rate monitor but lost the instruction and I don't know how to set it

I know Im too dumb but can you give me hand

I bought a Energetic heart rate monitor but lost the instruction and I don%26#039;t know how to set it?

Energetic is the brand? I couldn%26#039;t find that brand nor their website. Most companies will have downloads of their manuals on their website.

Can domeboro slow your heart rate down?

Domboro soak contains aluminum which has no affect on heart rate.

Whats a good resting heart rate for someone 50 yrs old 250 pounds getting back into working out?

A good resting heart rate is 60 to 75 but I don%26#039;t think you are going to have that. Do some cardio to get your heart and lungs back into shape. Then to lose weight try a low carb or low glycemic diet. Also start lifting weights. Here is a good place to look up lifts and put a routine together.

What is the maximum heart rate for 27 years old man doing sport exercise?

There is a rule of thumb that says 220 minus your age, so 193.

However, that is relative to your overall fitness and a number of other factors.

If you are trying to determine a maximum rate to use for training with a heart rate monitor, I have seen this method described in some of the literature.

After warming up, run 800 meters %26quot;all out%26quot;. That doesn%26#039;t mean try to sprint 800 meters, it means run 800 at a pace that will give you your bets possible time. Walk jog for the same amount of time as you ran. Run a second 800, at the same effort as the first. Immediately take/record your pulse. Use that value for all heart rate related calculations.

If you are counting your pulse, I would only go for 5-10 seconds because if you are at all in shape, your pulse rate will drop rapidly the first minute after you stop. I would count for 6 seconds and then multiply the count by 10. has a heartrate calculator here:

What is the maximum heart rate for 27 years old man doing sport exercise?

unless they got scared,. probably. i%26#039;m not a doctor, so, i wouldn%26#039;t know.

What is the average heart rate for an adult?

Average Heart Rate?

Heart rates differ even in adults. Ideal would be a heart rate of 75 per minute. However, athletes and vergetarians tend to have even lower heart rates, may be as low as 55 beats per minute. Children tend to have higher heart rates.

If the heart rate is high, the heart may become overworked. A fresh, organic, vegetarian diet can lower the heart rate.

It is a great method to check on one%26#039;s overall health by taking the Dinshah Ratio. This is the ratio of heart and lung: the heart beat (pulse) is counted for a minute after the person has relaxed, then the breath is counted, in and out is one.

The two numbers are divided, heart rate number by breath number.This should always be 5, as the ingenious Dinshah has stated after having researched it.

A Dinshah Ratio of 6 or 4 is quite good, of 7,8 or 3 needs means to improve life energy; a Ratio of 2 or 9,10 is an urgent case. No more toxins should be applied in any form. A Ratio of 1 or 12 means that this person is dying. However, people with ratios of 2 and 12 have survived instant life energy improving means, e.g. with Dinshah Color MedicineTM.

Intersting question, isn%26#039;t it?

Cordially, India.Magica

What is the average heart rate for an adult?

If you are a healthy adult that exercises or works out, than you can have a heart rate of about 55 to 65. If you are not healthy and have problems, you can go anywhere from 75 to 90. As for me, I do not get a lot of exercise, but I am not too lazy and my rate is about 65.

What is the average heart rate for an adult?

Normal heart rates for adults are from 60-100 beats per minute.

Average is about 72.

What is the average heart rate for an adult?


Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

You know they say that means it%26#039;s a girl :). It%26#039;s a little high but it%26#039;s not dangerously high. Congrats on the baby.

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

It%26#039;s fine

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

Yes, it should be between 120 and 160. Some say a higher heart rate is a sign of a girl, and lower is a sign of a boy!

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

How far along are you? I just went in for my first scan (6 weeks today) and mine was only 117 and they said that was perfectly fine. I think it%26#039;s normal anywhere from 120-160. You%26#039;re doing fine :) congrats!

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

that%26#039;s an excellent, strong heartbeat

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

That%26#039;s really as high as it should get, but that%26#039;s still okay.

It also depends how far along you are. The farther you are, the lower it should get. At the beginning 150 is fine.

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

my doc told me thats a perfect heart rate!

Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?


Is 150 a good heart rate for my baby?

Perfectly normal. Mine has been between 160 and 170 and I%26#039;m having a girl.

What is the acceptable heart rate level after excercising for 5 minutes and for 10 m,inutes?

It depends on your age, and the amount of exertion.

You can exercise at 100% for 3-5 minutes and your heart rate can be above 200 if you are in your teens or closer to 150 if you are in your 60%26#039;s.

You can exercise at 80% for 10 minutes and your heart rate can be 180 if you are in your teens, or 130 if you are in your 60%26#039;s.

What is the acceptable heart rate level after excercising for 5 minutes and for 10 m,inutes?

It depends on your age.

What is the acceptable heart rate level after excercising for 5 minutes and for 10 m,inutes?

Hi, It depends on your weight, your age and gender.

If you want to do Cardio it is 144 if you are 40 like myself...

fat burner is 114...If my hubby does cardio his heart rate is 166 while mine is 25 beats less running at the same speed. he has 60 more pounds than I have.

Go on line and ask a fitness instructor that%26#039;s your best bet.

What is the acceptable heart rate level after excercising for 5 minutes and for 10 m,inutes?

to burn the most clories you shouldnt have ur heart rate go up to high bbecuase thats cardio and not fat burn... around like 150 ie best

What is the acceptable heart rate level after excercising for 5 minutes and for 10 m,inutes?

depends on your base heart rate. a 10-20% of your base rate should be sufficient. but who only works out for five or ten minutes? Should be twenty-forty minutes. A base rate of 80 beats/minute can increase to 130/140 in hard work out.

What is a normal heart rate for a 35 year old man?

For resting heart rate:

# children over 10 and adults; 60 to 100 beats per minute

# well-trained athletes; 40 to 60 beats per minute

Is the polar f6 heart rate monitor watch and transmitter waterproof?

Water resistant to 30 meters per the polar website.

Is the polar f6 heart rate monitor watch and transmitter waterproof?

I know my F1 is, so I%26#039;m guessing the F6 should be too. Lucky, getting an F6... LOL I got mine for a Christmas present, so I didn%26#039;t have much choice XD it should say on the back of the watch though, on the silver side. Look for it, it should say like, 15m or something

Is the polar f6 heart rate monitor watch and transmitter waterproof?

It Is Water resistant till 50m

What is the real heart rate outside the body?

ask dr magdi yaacob

What is the real heart rate outside the body?

That makes no sense. The heart, and therefore the rate at which it beats, is an %26quot;in vivo%26quot; thing. When the heart is out of the body, it ceases to beat.

How low is a heart rate before someone would need a pacemaker?

Is not really a question of low it%26#039;s a question of being on rhythm or having proper circulatory flow for the heart and vital organs.

How low is a heart rate before someone would need a pacemaker?

Pace maker is implanted when %26quot;Sino atrial node%26quot;is dysfunctional and heart beats with the help of %26quot;Atrio ventricular node%26quot; havinng a rate of 40 to 60 per minute even after exercise.

How low is a heart rate before someone would need a pacemaker?

It depends on the disorder that is causing the slow heart rate.Healthy people,especially well-conditioned young people,can have a heart rate that slows down to as low as 30 to 40 beats a minute.Sometimes,medications alone can treat a slow heart rate that is caused by a major disorder.

Try and get a copy of The Yale University School of Medicine%26#039;s Heart Book for complete information.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

I am male, 26 years 5%26#039;11%26quot; at 220 pounds,charts say i am borderline obese, however, i work out 4/5 times a week hard for at least 2 hours a session, i am fit for a fat lad.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

Heart rate is normal. If you wish to increase it, take Bang Bhasma 2 pinches and Shankh Bhasma 4 pinches both mixed in honey 1 tsp, around breakfast time, only once a day. these bhasmas may be available online on many sites.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

u said it is slow than how can it be normal.exercise a lot to increase ur metabolis rate.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

Normal is 60 bpm at rest.So you are not that far off.However obesity has other problems ie diabetes, high blood preasure

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

You may have exercise induced left ventricular hypertrophy.

Cut down on the carbs. Not eliminated them just cut down. No carbs after 6pm is a good rule.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

The World Health Organisation sets the normal range of adult heart rate as being between 60 - 80 beats per minute, so you are not so far away from what may be termed as being %26#039; the normal range.%26#039; However, the normal range does not take into consideration that everyone is different. It can therfore be better described as being the average range. I note that you work out and assume from that you are at a reasonable standard of fitness. Regular physical exercise has the effect of reducing the resting pulse rate and so your output is simply indicative of your standard of fitness. It is not something that should concern you and in fact indicates that you are in good physical shape. More important to your resting pulse rate is your recovery rate. Try the step test where you step up and down on a suitable structure such as a gym bench. You should take your pulse, or preferably get someone else to take it before and after the exercise. Do the step ups for two minutes and take your pulse. You will find that it will be very much faster. Wait for 30 seconds and record your pulse again, then at 30 second intervals for two minutes. Note how quickly your pulse returns to its normal resting rate. The sooner it returns to normal the fitter you are.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

You have a type of heart arrhythmia known as Bradycardia. You should really see a cardiologist. I have a heart arrhythmia, but mine causes my heart to beat extremely rapid and chaotic at times, and I%26#039;m 26 years old as well.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

Please see the webpages for more details on Pulse, Sick sinus syndrome and Bradycardia. Since your pulse rate is below 60, you have Bradycardia (Slow rate of heart contraction, resulting in a slow pulse rate. In febrile states, for each degree rise in body temerature, the expected increase in pulse rate is ten beats per minute. When the latter does not occur, the term %26quot;relative bradycardia%26quot; is used.) Pease take Tread mill test (TMT) and see whether how much your pulse rate increases after exercise. Consult a Cardiologist.

I have a slow heart rate of 54bpm at rest is this normal?

As you are a young man who works out regularly i would say there is absolutely nothing wrong with your heart rate, but if you are worried why on earth would you rely on the advice of random muppets on the internet, go and see your GP

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

No, when the heart beats, it pumps blood to the arteries and creates pressure in them. This pressure (blood pressure) results from two forces. The first force is created as blood pumps into the arteries and through the circulatory system. The second is created as the arteries resist the blood flow.

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?


Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

no, 2 completely different things

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

maybe. but not always. I know a person with almost no heart rate with normal pressure.

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

No. My dad has normal heart rate (60bpm) but suffers from bouts of high blood pressure.

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

no, just because your heart is beating at normal rate, doesn%26#039;t mean the blood it%26#039;s flowing properly

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

Not entirely. While your blood pressure does have an effect on your heart rate, they are managed by two separate bodily systems.

Your heart rate is determined mostly by its strength. (It IS a muscle after all). The more endurance exercises you do, the stronger your heart gets, which lowers your resting (and active) heart rate.

However, if you have very low or very high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder to pump that blood, raising your resting heart rate, which limits how fast it can beat during exercises.

So, a strong heart with high pressure may measure as normal, but is in fact a coronary waiting to happen. hope that helps.

Does having a normal heart rate indicate that blood pressure is normal as well?

no, your blood pressure depends on the pressure that exists inside your blood vessels, think of it like a hose, if you put a little water the pressure is small, if you put a lot of water the pressure is huge. It also depends on the resistance of your vessels, so in the same respect, think of the hose as stretchy, like a water balloon. If it doesn%26#039;t stretch and is firm, the blood vessels create higher blood pressure than someone%26#039;s who%26#039;s blood vessels may stretch. You can have a low or high heart rate with high blood pressure and vice versa, a low or high heart rate with low blood pressure.

What is a normal heart rate I have high blood pressure it is fine pulse is high?

It depends on your age, but 80 beats per minute is the normal for most.

What is a normal heart rate I have high blood pressure it is fine pulse is high?

The average heart beat for an adult at rest is 60 - 100 beats per minute. If you have high blood pressure that means your heart is working harder to supply your oxygen needs.

email me if you want more info.


What should a relaxed heart rate be?

Take into account that I am in a wheelchair so the term %26quot;Relaxed%26quot; applies significantly.

What should a relaxed heart rate be?

I%26#039;m not being flippant, but this is like asking %26quot;How tall should I be?%26quot; ...or %26quot;%26quot;what should be the number of freckles on my face?%26quot; . Everyone%26#039;s different, - not only because of physical make-up, but also because of age and medical condition.

Most westerners are in the range of 65- 75bpm. But then again, Roger Bannister, the man who ran the first-ever One-Minute Mile, was about 55bpm. And lots of good, healthy folk have pulse-rates well over 85bpm.

So sadly, nobody can say %26quot;what it should be%26quot;.

(Well, -...they can, of course, and do. But their answers, as you can see, are sheer tosh....)

What should a relaxed heart rate be?

Around 72 beats per minute.

What should a relaxed heart rate be?

normal heart rate is 60-90 bpm, depending on the person

What is the target heart rate to burn calories for a 210lb woman?

we have to know your age too...

What is the target heart rate to burn calories for a 210lb woman?

I think it is based more on age. The weight will factor in by itself due to the amount of energy it requires to do exercise.

Your heart rate should be at about 70%

For a 25 year old this is about 24 beats in a 10 second count.

Check this site for more information:

The heart rates in the chart on that site are beats per minute.

Based on your age of 35, your heart rate should be approximately 23 beats per 10 seconds. (138 beats per minute).

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

It depends on your age and your general health. 60-80 would be a normal range. Although 60 bpm is optimal.

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

60 is considered an :athletic amount

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

depends ur age

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

as long as it%26#039;s ain%26#039;t all bad.


What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

72bpm (average)

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

Around 112 to 120

Mine usually rests at about 118.

Over 160 is a cardio rate.

Anything over 172 is very dangerous.

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

60 to 72 beats per minute is average

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

Well they need to be from 70 to 100 bits per minutes if there more then that it will be a Tachycardia if there lower then 60 you will have a Bradycardia any of this is a heath risk

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

pulse rate normal at rest is 90 abnormal or too fast is 109.

What is a healthy heart rate at rest?

Depends on age, sex, health status and physical condition. Athletes have lower heart rates(55-65 BPM). Children under 3 years may be at the 90-100 BPM range. Healthy adults would be at about 75-85 BPM range. Infections or fever elevate the heart rates on most people (usually over 110 BPM).

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

Science Fair....ugh lol

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

Although after acute caffeine ingestion, an increase in heart rate, or no change has been reported, the commoner response may be slight decrease in heart rate, in laboratory settings lasting approximately 75 min after caffeine ingestion in borderline hypertensives, and also on ambulatory monitoring, presumably due to direct vagal stimulation, baroreceptor reflex, or effect on the sinoatrial node. Not surprisingly, inconsistent effect has been reported in patients with autonomic failure, who have diminished baroreflexes, in response to caffeine. It has been suggested that Caffeine probably has a direct cardioacceleratory effect and elicits a vagally mediated bradycardia by baroreflex activation consequent to it%26#039;s pressor effect . Heart rate was slowed in a dose related manner, started at 30 min and lasted till 3 hours. The mean decrease was 10 bpm in group receiving 8.8 mg/kg at 30 min. Bradycardia was the only parameter that correlated with time course of plasma caffeine levels. There was no consistent correlation between heart rate and BP, thus bradycardia is not due to baroreflex, but possibly due to direct central vagal stimulation.

Thus the administration of 250 to 350 mg of caffeine may produce small decreases in heart rate and modest increases in both systolic and diastolic blood pres棰卻ure. Such doses may have no effect on these parameters in those who consume caffeine regularly.


At higher concentrations (%26gt;10 mg/kg/day) caffeine produces definite tachycardia54; sensitive individuals may experience other arrhythmias55,56, such as premature ventricular contractions. Ar棰卹hythmias may also be encountered in persons who use caffeine-containing beverages to excess. However, it appears that the risk of inducing cardiac arrhythmias in normal subjects is quite low, and that patients with ischaemic heart disease or pre-existing ventricular ectopy can usually tolerate moderate amounts of caffeine without provoking an appre棰卌iable increase in the frequency of arrhythmias. No significant arrhythmias were observed during maximal exercise stress test in old individuals with stable angina on medical therapy.


Substantial increases in circulating epinephrine (+207%), NE (+75%), and plasma renin activity (+57%) have been documented after a 250 mg dose in normal subjects. Thus it might be expected that caffeine would potentiate exercise induced increases in myocardial oxygen consumption by a net increase in peak systolic pressure or peak heart rate, or both. An increase in myocardial oxygen demand at any given workload would be expected to reduce exercise duration in patients with coronary artery disease. Both angina and marked elevation in left heart filling pressure, with secondary pulmonary congestion, would be potential consequences. Caffeine might also be expected to produce abnormal diastolic relaxation. In study by Paulus the observed increases in left ventricular end diastolic pressure during pacing induced ischemia persisted more than three times as long after caffeine pretreatment than with myocardial ischaemia alone. Tolerance to caffeine has been documented in some studies, an individual%26#039;s previous use of caffeine may be a determinant of the pharmacodynamics of caffeine.

In dogs with coronary stenoses, large doses of intravenous caffeine potentiate impaired left ventricular diastolic relaxation, resulting in marked elevation of left ventricular diastolic pressure. In isolated heart muscle, caffeine and other methylxanthines prolong the time course of ventricular relaxation by reducing the rate of intracellular calcium sequestration during diastole by sarcoplasmic reticulum.

There is controversy as to whether circu棰卨ating catecholamines or plasma renin activity is increased significantly in caffeine-naive subjects; however, it is generally agreed that little change occurs in chronic users.

While some studies have shown elevated cardiac output and stroke volume, in other studies caffeine has not been shown to have significant effects on LV ejection fraction and cardiac index, in young healthy men, at rest, or during exercise.

Selected patients with history of stable angina pectoris had no significant change in total exercise duration, time to onset of angina and time to onset of 0.1 mV of ST depression. Rate pressure product at onset of angina and onset of 0.1 mV of ST depression were not significantly different after caffeine ingestion. In response to exercise, echocardiographic measures of LVSF and LVDF were similar in both groups, in all but two patients who showed worsening of diastolic function at rest and further worsening with exercise after caffeine. There was no significant increase in frequency or severity of atrial or ventricular arrhythmias.

A similar lack of effect of caffeine on exercise duration, time to 0.1 mV ST depression , and heart rate blood pressure product was demonstrated by Piters in patients in whom medications were withheld on the day of the testing. However a significant increase in exercise duration before the onset of angina was noted. Caffeine has been shown to increase circulating free fatty acids and glycerol during exercise in normal subjects, with associated improvements in exercise duration, maximum oxygen consumption, resting metabolic rate, or perceived exertion. Some authors have not observed these changes. Enhanced peripheral lipolysis may not be noted at lower workloads achieved in patients with ischaemic heart disease, especially in presence of B-blockers.

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

It increases the heart rate

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

caffein is a stimulant that increases heart rate. It%26#039;s as simple as that. =)

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

it is known to increase the blood pressure, so I guess will put some pressure on the heart in pumping more blood

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

Caffeine increases the heart rate but it does so because it stimulates the division of the nervous system that aids in heart rate control. The heart rate does not increase much, it stimulates the nervous system much more, that is why people are more mentally active.

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

Caffeine increases the heart rate and hence stimulates the brain. This causes Heart Palpitations and increases the risk of Heart Problems.

How does caffeine affect heart rate in humans???

Neurotransmitters. The body is controlled by many different hormones which are told to be secreted when chemicals are present in the pituitary gland. When the mind believes enough of the hormones have been secreted, certain chemicals will bind themselves to the neurotransmitters to send a signal. However, caffeine will bind to these neurotransmitters stopping the proper chemicals from binding to them. This will increase the amount of a certain hormone in the body. The hormone that controls heart rate will be secreted without stop until the caffeine unbinds, wears off. thus increasing heart rate.

What is the maximum heart rate allowed during percussions?

percussion is the technique to loosen secretions inside chest

What is the maximum heart rate allowed during percussions?

125 to 135. Anything more is dangerous.

What does your resting heart rate indicate?

I need to know for a Biology pre-lab. It%26#039;s not in the book anywhere... or I%26#039;m too tired to notice it...

What does your resting heart rate indicate?

it can indicate how healthy or otherwise ur heart is at its basal resting state.One can also find out disease conditions at this state like arterial stenosis. It is also an indirect indicator of blood pressure.

What does your resting heart rate indicate?

It is your normal heart rate when you aren%26#039;t doing any activity.

What does your resting heart rate indicate?

im not sure if u can detect stenosis from heart rate. i think its used primarily to diagnose hypertension, arrythmia, overall health, and maybe lie detection?

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

it is a serious problem if the systolic doubles the diastolic for a 22 yr old male who excercises 2-3 times a week

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

Perhaps you have White coat hypertension, if not its a slightly high BP for your age.

Simple measues to reduce include:

reducing salt intake

Aerobic exercise

reduce stress?!

That level of BP does not need treatment.

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

Doctors today look at a blood pressure like that as high, and indicative of a future problem. They would call this %26quot;Stage 1 Hypertension%26quot;. Talk to your doctor. Not treating even the earliest signs of hypertension have a direction impact on your arteries/veins, and on your kidneys. Talk to your doctor and he/she will put together a plan for you to address why it is high.

Take care and God bless!

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

yes, especially if hypertension runs in your family; or if you have other risk factors. hypertension may be primary (you can%26#039;t do anything about it) or secondary (modifiable factors). probably check other causes of high blood pressure, especially at your age.

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

it%26#039;s very common for the numbers to be doubled. One reading alone cannot correctly identify your blood pressure. Your heart rate is great and only the systolic number is slightly elevated...which is common if you were slightly stressed at the time the pressure was taken. Everyone has a different blood pressure and it can change in the same person during the day and night. Your blood pressure varies by large amounts, depending on what you are doing. The lowest blood pressures occur when you are asleep or if you relax all your muscles. Standing up, exercising or anxiety all cause an increase in blood pressure. In a single day your blood pressure may vary by 30 to 40 mmHg systolic with similar proportionate changes in diastolic pressure. This is why when you have your blood pressure level assessed it is so important to have it measured under the same conditions every time. Keep monitoring it and if it gets any higher try the DASH diet.

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

Take the BP after resting, not after running.

Blood Pressure 140/70 Heart Rate : 70 = Unhealthy?

In order to diagnose hypertension it is necessary to have the same reading in 3 succesive measurements, at 3 different times, while lying down, while resting. If the readings are persistently higher than normal then you have hypertension. However, hypertension does not typically raise the systolic reading without the diastolic, while stress and physical effort usually do. So probably you are measuring your blood pressure after some sort of effort.

If stroke volume decreased, heart rate would?


If stroke volume decreased, heart rate would?

Increase to compensate.

If stroke volume decreased, heart rate would?

Increase if the stroke volume continued to decrease heart rate would continue to increase, until cardiac hypertrophy, dilatation and failure resulted.

Simple really.

If stroke volume decreased, heart rate would?


Does motrin slow your heart rate?

Given enough it can be the same as any nervous system depressant.

Does motrin slow your heart rate?

Not sure, but it does thin ur blood, and impair the ability to clot. Avoid taking it if ur having surgery in the near future.

What happens to my heart rate the fitter i get?

Resting heart rate goes down. I%26#039;ve got bicycle buddies whose resting heart rate is so slow that it always causes medical people a great level of concern.

In addition, your heart / lungs are more efficient, meaning you can do more work (exercise) at a lower heart rate. A newbie will hit 200 while running an 8 minute mile, but an experience runner will maintain 145 - 155 while doing a 6-minute mile.

What happens to my heart rate the fitter i get?

Your heart rate will decrease as you get more fit. Usually a good resting HR is 60-100. Your average resting rate would decrease which means your heart doesn%26#039;t have to work as hard to pump blood.

What happens to my heart rate the fitter i get?

There are two types of muscle fibers in our body- red and the white fibers. Red fibers have a lot more capacity to store oxygen and their proportion increases when you exercise.

These muscle fibers due to increased oxygen store are able to function better at times of physical work and so require less effort from heart to provide them oxygen.

Hence people who exercise regularly have a decreased heart rate.

Moreover in athletes the heart is also more developed - just as biceps increase in size with exercise the heart builds muscles too and can work efficiently even with comparatively low heart rate.

Does music change your heart rate?

Most definately.

Depending on what type of music you are listening to, it can either calm or raise your heart rate.

What is the average heart rate of a pregnant woman?

Average person is 80-100, pregnant women is 100-140. Over 140 is dangerous.

What is the average heart rate of a pregnant woman?

It%26#039;s usually higher than your normal heart rate. Further along pregnant womens are alot higher than early pregnancy b/c of the xtra blood volume.

I would say no higher than 110 bpm.

What is the average heart rate of a pregnant woman?

i dunno but i know heart rate is higher. im not sure if ur meaning heart rate or bp as usually people ask what the average bp rate is. any way i dont know that either but i know mine is usually 110/70 wen i go for my check ups n thats apparently normal

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

no symptoms

crave salty food

1st pregnancy

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

Of course they are all wives tales and not to be trusted so don%26#039;t go buy any pink or blue just because of what it says. Not sure if first two links are different tests or the same one on different sites. The last link is fun too. I did this and it was correct BUT others say it isn%26#039;t.

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

a healthy baby.

Heart rate detection is an old wives%26#039; tale.

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

well according to old wives tales which have been right on for me....salty food means boy heart rate is for a girl. so theres not telling. both my babies had/have heart rates int he 150%26#039;s and i craved/crave sweets. but you can%26#039;t tell by the old wives tales.

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

Well.... I bet your having a baby :-)

Really know way to know if your baby is a boy or a girl just yet. Wait for your ultrasound.

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

Don%26#039;t go off of the old wives tale that a certain heart rate will determine baby%26#039;s sex. It%26#039;s completely bogus really. The wives tale suggests that a heart rate below 140 shows it will be a boy, above will be a girl. My baby%26#039;s heart rate goes between the mid 130%26#039;s and mid 140%26#039;s most of the time (it HAS been found below 140) and I%26#039;m carrying a girl. As for %26quot;cravings%26quot;, your body %26quot;craves%26quot; what it needs, it has nothing to do with the gender of baby you%26#039;re carrying, as either way the baby needs you to have a balanced diet.

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

My son%26#039;s heart rate was 154 and this baby girl%26#039;s is 158. It is just an old wives tale about the heart rate.

Good luck!!

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

Although this can%26#039;t be true for sure...My mom swears by this method.I have a boy and girl and I found that when it was a girl it was 130 to little boy was always 145 to 150.So what she said was true but that could just be luck.I trusted her though to a point because she has 7 children and did it for all of them.So I would GUESS it%26#039;s a boy.Good luck and Congrats!

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

well i am the exact same and i am having a girl!!!

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

A baby, healthy with all fingers and toes.....

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

exactly...a healthy baby! sounds good.

But just for the fun of it (even though these are old wives tales)

I had BPM of 150 around that time and 16 weeks.

This is my first prego.

I only had 2 weeks of nausea.

No real horrible symptoms.

I%26#039;m huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Belly like basketball....all out to the front.

And I crave salty Food.

I%26#039;m having a boy!!! hheheehhehhe

13 weeks pregnant baby heart rate is 150 very active on ultrasound what do you think im having?

if this helps -with my son i carried all in the front like a basketball and with my daughter i carried all around. My skin looked great for the girl horrible with the boy. her heart rate was in the 150%26#039;s his in the 140s.craved sweets with her%26lt;snickers%26gt; craved citrus fruit with him%26lt;oranges%26gt;

Is this a normal heart rate?

I just been workin out speed walking and jogginh a mile or more a day doin a ab work out and doin the la weight loss i have lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks and the other night well i was relaxed i was laying inbed and took my pulse and it was 48 is that good ? it just seems low but i been seeing things if u work out it is lower just want to know if this is ok i feel fine .thanks

Is this a normal heart rate?

your heart rate is dependant on age and physical condition. You can find out more on

Is this a normal heart rate?

That is a little low. BUt if you felt alright I woudl not worry about it. Good luck to you on your Weight loss and working out.


Is this a normal heart rate?

it depends. how old are you? if your 12 and under, thats normal. If your 13-20 that%26#039;s a little slow, but no worries. If your 21 and up, GO TO THE EMERGANCY ROOM NOW!

Is this a normal heart rate?

It is a little on the low side but not alarming. See your doc if you are really concerned.

Is this a normal heart rate?

It%26#039;s great! It means your heart is at capacity to do its job to maintain your body with 48 pumps per minute.

Believe it or not, back when I was swimming four hours per day to train, and weighed 122lbs, my resting heart rate was 30 sometimes!

Good for you!

Is this a normal heart rate?

Normal heart rate: 60-100

If you are working out it usually decreased your heart rate, but 48 is not normal though. maybe you didn%26#039;t use the right method in taking heart rate. check with your phycisian or a nurse. abnormal Low heart rate is called bradycardia.

Is this a normal heart rate?

Good athletes have slow resting pulses. This is good because you are only born with so many heartbeats. The quicker you use these beats the faster you croak.

What's the best heart rate monitor to buy in terms of value for money?

Polar seem to be the standard. Most machines in gyms Ive been in pickup and display polar transmitters. I have had a number of polar monitors all, except the first, with a PC link to use the Polar Performance software. I%26#039;ve looked on eBay and you can pick the older high end models for a snip, as the early adopters buy the new models.

You can get polar models that are %26quot;coded%26quot; to cut out crosstalk.

What%26#039;s the best heart rate monitor to buy in terms of value for money?

Polar ones are pretty good and they do a range of them, depends what you want it to do and how much you%26#039;re willing to pay but I%26#039;d definitely look at their website.

What%26#039;s the best heart rate monitor to buy in terms of value for money?

ye i would have to agree with bambi,polar are probally the best but if u have a training group den sometimes they will pick up a signal from someone esle%26#039;s H.R.M. and display it on your watch, also it depends wat ur looking for in it,just to monitior ur H.R. or do u want it to do interval running and speed sessions aslo, or just to show calories burned,you will find all you need at

Do we really need heart rate monitors for exercise??

No. But it%26#039;s fun.

I started using a HRM for my running and have found that after a few months, I could tell just from how I felt what my heart rate was without having to look at it.

(Remember - People have been exercising for many years before these were invented.)

Do we really need heart rate monitors for exercise??

I can%26#039;t speak for everybody but I do. when I am jogging it is very easy for me to go over my target heart rate. If you want to get the most out of your workouts you should get a heart monitor so that you can stay within your target heart rate range.

Do we really need heart rate monitors for exercise??

Only if you want to exercise in your heart rate zone, which burns more calories than being in a lower heart rate zone.

Do we really need heart rate monitors for exercise??

HRM are a training tool, I myself do not use a monitor. I will never be an elite athelete so I let my body guide me on how fast I should run. For me the Distance is more important then how fast my heart beats.

However, for folks who are working towards speed goals it is a good measure of your overall work, you can adjust your work out assuming you know what your max HR should be. So if you are looking for that weekly Tempo run you know that you need to get your heart rate to 80% of your max. If you are looking for a nice steady run maybe you want to go for 60%.

It is a good indicator on how hard you are working, I know a few older runners who use it as a good indication to back off if they are going to fast. So its really a personal choice for the average runner.


Do we really need heart rate monitors for exercise??

Someone tried to answer this and left you hanging.......

There are %26quot;zones%26quot; that you need to train in to accomplish different things. Your MAX heart rate is 220 minus your age. So A. You want to make sure that isnt happening. Then you have a cardio building zone 70-90% of your max heart rate.....Then you have a fat burning zone which is 55-69%....Hope this helps.

If I have a heart rate of 172 when i train is that good or bad?

I appreciate it

If I have a heart rate of 172 when i train is that good or bad?

Thats perfect, the weight loosing plateau is between 150 ad 180. So if you train and are between those numbers it is optimal for weight loss and muscle gain.

If I have a heart rate of 172 when i train is that good or bad?

It depends on how old you are. You want to stay within your target heart range and also varying the levels of activity so that you speed up and slow down is actually a more effective means of exercise. There are many websites that calculate your target heart rate with your age. If you%26#039;re over your target then it doesn%26#039;t do any good other than put too much stress on the body.

Nurses out there - jumping heart rate question?

Hey all - could anybody help me out with this? Earlier today my chest was hurting... and this evening my resting pulse has been jumping from 70 to 110, within a minute or two sometimes. I FEEL like it%26#039;s racing...

My pulse is usually 45-60, which is kind of odd in itself because I%26#039;ve been feeling poorly for months, and not very active. BP is usually 95/55, sometimes 85/45 - now it%26#039;s 120/80. I%26#039;ve been feeling weak and dizzy for several months, and under doctor%26#039;s care...

I%26#039;m just wondering, do I need to do anything tonight? Two days ago I had a bad reaction to Compazine (a stomach drug) and right now I%26#039;m on Ritalin (as an upper, not for ADHD) - but I%26#039;ve been on this for a while. I feel kind of shaky, and dizzy still... any ideas about what%26#039;s wrong? Should I go in for immediate attention? Oh, I%26#039;m 20, and healthy weight, btw.

Thanks :)

Nurses out there - jumping heart rate question?

Just go to the Doc sweetness, could well be side effects from your current meds butyou obviously have a few medical issues so just pop along to the dr much safer for you that way.

hope you feel better soon!

Nurses out there - jumping heart rate question?

you should tell your doctor

What is the optimal heart rate when working out?

well this depends on if you want to burn calories or are you doing it for cardio?..doing it for cardio reasons would mean a slightly higher heart rate then for burning calories..also it would depend on your age and weight..if you go to a gym get on a stair master or a tread mill,it would calculate the currect heat rate for you and even gives you a scale to determine for cardio and calories (fat burn)

What is the optimal heart rate when working out?

60 - 80% of your theoretical maximum heartrate, which is 220 - your age.

Kind of arbitrary, but a good guideline. You should workout hard enough that you can%26#039;t carry on a conversation while you do it.

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

I am 39 yr old Male

SYS 131

DIA 79

Pulse 71

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

The sys is a little bit high but just a little.

They use to think that the systolic wasn%26#039;t important but now they think it is.

You probably want to watch it.

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

Doesn%26#039;t look like good health.

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

Yes, this is don%26#039;t give too much information or medical history in your question, but if you don%26#039;t have any medical conditions...then this is okay for a blood pressure and heart rate.

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

these are all very normal, nothing to worry about.

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

Both the BP and Pulse are great!

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

As a former nurse, I can tell you the systolic is a bit on the high side but not that bad. I remember many years ago a %26quot;good%26quot; BP was 100 + your age over 60 - 80 but this is no longer the case. A systolic pressure of 130 is considered a bit high now regardless of ones age, due for the most part to the processed foods we eat today, including %26quot;fast%26quot; foods. Your pulse rate looks okay!

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

It looks like good health to me. Sounds like you%26#039;re fine to keep doing what you%26#039;ve been doing... to maintain good health make sure you exercise regularly, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and limit sodium intake. No need to worry about this pulse or blood pressure!

My blood pressure and heart rate results. Is this good health?

131/79 is OK but the systolic at 131 could be a bit better.

120/80 is regarded as normal but lower down to 90/60 is much better than higher up to 140/90.

Your pulse is fine. 60 to 80 is regarded as normal.

What is the lowest heart rate ever measured?

I have hear of a Spanish guy that was in the tour de France that could get his resting heart rate down into the twenties. That is one pretty effective heart to only need to beat 20 some times a minute.

What is the lowest heart rate ever measured?

0, when a person is dead.

What is the resting heart rate of a a ruby-throated humming bird?

Physical Description

Average length: 3.5 inches (8.9 cm)

Average weight: 1/8 ounce (3.1 g)

Body temperature: 105鎺?108鎺矲 (40.5鎺?42.2鎺矯)

Wing beats: 40-80 per second, average about 52

Respiration: 250 per minute

Heart rate: 250 beats/min resting; 1200 beats/min feeding

Flight speed: 30 mph (48 kph) normal; 50 mph (80 kph) escape; 63 mph (101 kph) dive

What is the resting heart rate of a a ruby-throated humming bird?

African or European?

I don%26#039;t know.....Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

What is the resting heart rate of a a ruby-throated humming bird?

If I catch it, nil.

What is the resting heart rate of a a ruby-throated humming bird?

i think is something like 400

What is the resting heart rate of a a ruby-throated humming bird?

i didn%26#039;t understand.

Why does the blood pressure and heart rate go high sky after surgery??

the levels are not super sky high, but your body is in a state of stress--it doesn%26#039;t know that you just had surgery, but rather a traumatic event where it was opened. patients can go into shock and must be given some meds to help body go from a state of stress to a more relaxed state after surgical %26quot;Trauma%26quot;.

Why does the blood pressure and heart rate go high sky after surgery??

It shouldn%26#039;t.

People with essential hypertension tend to be more labile with their pressures (they go both higher and lower than non-hypertensives%26#039;) and may need additional treatment peri-operatively. Undiagnosed hypertensives may have the same course.

I believe (and have no scientific evidence to back this belief up) that %26quot;normal%26quot; people who act that way during anesthesia and surgery are likely to become hypertensive in the future. Perhaps those people have some underlying, inborn difference that we bring out when we subject them to the stresses of surgery and anesthesia.

The stress that surgery puts on the body cause a stress response from the body - increased catecholamines and glucocorticoids are secreted, and that can raise blood blood pressure and heart rate.

Inadequately treated pain will also raise blood pressure and heart rate.

I weigh 260 what should my heart rate be while i am working out?

i need to know your age to answer that question... go to this site: ... itll give you your target heart rate based on the karvonen formula... all you have to do is enter your age and resting heart rate (your beats per minute when youre not excercising) and then click calculate

How does anemia cause tachycardia (increased heart rate)?

What is the mechanism of action in which anemia causes tachycardia?

Please explain the mechanism in detail and please state an internet source.

How does anemia cause tachycardia (increased heart rate)?

hii there! :) yea.. totally agree with the madam nurse up there :) if you%26#039;re anaemic (low RBC count), then low or inadequate oxygen delivered to your tissues and organs, your hypoxic (lack of oxygen) tissues will send signals to your brain that it lacks oxygen and can%26#039;t function properly. In response, your brain will stimulate your heart to pump faster (tachycardia) inorder to compensate for the lack of oxygen.. so there, thats why you%26#039;ll be tachycardic as initial short term manifestation.. You see, oxygen is very impt for every single cell in our body inorder to carry out their functions properly.. and this oxygen is delivered via the blood.. thats why there%26#039;s blood circulation in every inch of our body!! amazing right??! :)

hope i was able to answer your question.. ;p

How does anemia cause tachycardia (increased heart rate)?

Try looking up CO = HR x SV .... if your stroke volume decreases the heart rate will go up to equal out the cardio output.

How does anemia cause tachycardia (increased heart rate)?

Anemia has nothing to do with Stroke Volume, only with the viscosity of the SV, and a decrease in blood viscosity augments cardiac SV by reducing ventricular afterload. (Marino, ICU 2004) If volume is lost in situations such as Hemorrhagic shock, then tachycardia may exist due to activation of the sympathetic nervous system which increases myocardial contractility and HR. But this is not a prominent response, and lasts transiently, thus tachycardia is not a prominent finding in anemia. (Herbert PC. Physiology aspects of anemia)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

how long does it take to lower it

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

if you work out, you can eventually lower your resting heart rate after your body has become healthy. Your blood vessels and arteries and such get clogged, no matter how old you are. The heart needs to pump faster to overcome the friction forces caused by hardened blood vessels.

Your overall goal should be to start working out about everyday and get to a healthy weight if you are not already there. Eventually your resting heart rate will lower, but it wont happen overnight! And it will never happen if you eat crap foods!

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

it makes it skip a beat like ur first crush!

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

yes, with a proper diet it should notice a slight difference in as quick as 2 mos.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

your heart is a muscle, so working it is going to make it stronger.

i dont think you can really put a time table on it.

marathon runners and people like lance armstrong have resting heart rates around 30. a healthy heart rate for a normal person is around 70.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

Yes, it does. It lowers it little by little, but to reach ideal resting heart rate will take some time, especially if you%26#039;re out of shape.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

Yes, over time. It depends on a number of factors such as how long you work out (how long you get your heart rate up and how long it stays up) and how often you work out.

I would say if you work out for an hour 4 days a week then you can expect to see an improvement in 4 weeks. I think that sounds reasonable but this is only a guideline. You can tell with how you feel and by checking your heart rate. You can do it manually or with equipment.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

training hard improves the efficiency of oxygen transport round the body so the heart doesn%26#039;t need to pump as hard at rest.

The rate depends entirely on your level of fitness to start with and the frequency of your training.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

It depends on the workout and it takes at least 5 to 10 minutes to lower...

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

When you regularly work out, your resting heart rate is lower. This is good for the heart because it%26#039;s stronger from the working out, and doesn%26#039;t have to work so hard to supply your whole body with blood. Every person is different with how long it takes for their heart rate to drop, but, pretty much the better shape you%26#039;re in, the quicker your heart rate drops after working out.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

Yes. If it%26#039;s aerobic, which means if it raises your heartrate while you are working out. You are strengthening your heart muscle, so it takes at least a few weeks of regular workouts, i.e., three or more times a week. Don%26#039;t overdo it... you will just kill yourself, lol.

Does working out lower your resting heart rate?

Yes, absolutely. If you can start a regular routine exercise program, you will strengthen your heart and it will be in much better shape. Your heart will become much more efficient, thus making a lower resting heart rate.

If you worked out for at least one hour 3-4 times a week, you might see a decent improvement within a month.

Depending of course on your age, weight, and starting physical condition.

Don%26#039;t over do it, and always consult your physician first.

What effect does exercise have on heart rate and stroke volume?

If you do cardio your heart will become a more efficient pump and the rate will slow down for a given effort and the stroke volume will increase.

What effect does exercise have on heart rate and stroke volume?

With exercise in a normal, healthy individual, the heart rate and stroke volume, (similar to ejection fraction) should increase. With certain heart disease they can actually decrease which can be extremely serious.

What is YOUR resting heart rate? do you consider yourself to be fit?

just curious, mine is 61-64 per minute. the best i%26#039;ve heard is 30!!! per minute, but the woman is an athlete

What is YOUR resting heart rate? do you consider yourself to be fit?

Normally, mine is 74. The lowest was 49. And no, I do not consider myself to be fit.

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

Also, what is the normal blood pressure?

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

My mom, who is a nurse, says 120/70 but check out the link.

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

240 - age in years is the normal heart rate.people or rouhly u can say 60-100 as the normal heart rate.

100-130/60-89 is the normal blood pressure in mmhg.

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

both figure change . time of day activities and so on can make a person have a pulse rate that is faster or slower . this goes for blood pressure as well. you need to record your vital signs over a month long period of time then average the figures and present them to your medical doctor.

a pulse of 65 resting is good for an adult.

135 over 70 is pretty standard number for an adult blood pressure . this is for a person that is not a senior citizen or a child takes no medication and does not smoke

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

The normal values vary as you age. The above websites have some information.

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

A normal heart rate for an adult is 60-100 bpm. Anything below 60 is considered barycardia and anything over 100 is considered tachycardia. A normal bp is around 120/90, but that can vary person to person. Talk to your doctor if you have any question about what is normal for you. Everyone is different.

When out jogging my heart rate was 170? you think thats good? was it beating fast enough to burn fat? oh and based on my weight of 135 pounds and 5%26#039;8 in height, how many calories would i burn in half an hour? thanks!!

When out jogging my heart rate was 170?

Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

The fat burning zone is 80% of this number.

Most people burn about 100 calories per mile depending on their speed.

When out jogging my heart rate was 170?

Depends on how fast you run. You burn about 100 calories a mile.

When out jogging my heart rate was 170?

actually Im pretty sure thats too fast. You need to slow it down in order to burn fat. If it goes too high your just burning muscle. I am in a workout program that teaches all that stuff. So I know Im not wrong. It should be about 140...maybe 150 NO HIGHER its not safe for you and your losing muscle not fat

When out jogging my heart rate was 170?

I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay 4.95$ shipping and handling. A must!

What is the target heart rate for a 13 year old?

It used to be that the formula of 220 minus your age was the %26quot;gold standard.%26quot; But there is a growing school of thought that age-based formulas are not the best strategy.

Most methods are based on achieving targeted exertion levels (zones) defined by percentages of the maximum heart rate (Max HR).

Max HR is the highest heart-rate value achieved in an all-out effort to the point of exhaustion. Obviously, it閳ユ獨 rarely the goal of any workout to take you to a point of all-out exhaustion, but using percentages of a Max HR to determine the appropriate intensity for a given workout (or series of workouts) can help create more efficient and effective fitness routines. For example, working out at half the Max HR is great for improving health and increasing base level of fitness, while working out at 75 percent of Max HR is a great way to improve cardiovascular capacity and endurance.

But the best method for determining Max HR remains a hotly debated topic. The main problem is that Max HR is not influenced so much by age as by genetics. In fact, most people of similar age do not have the exact same Max HR.

There are basically three methods. Two of them require professional training equipment or resources. The following formula is the most reliable for do-it-yourselfers: Calculate 210 minus one-half your age; minus 5 percent of your body weight (in pounds); plus four (for men) or zero (for women). This formula has been tested on thousands of people and the results typically fall within five heartbeats of a person閳ユ獨 true Max HR. Of course, even this formula leaves something to be desired, but it beats the simple 閳?20 minus age閳?hands down. To calculate your target heart zone, multiply the Max HR number by 65% and then by 85%. That represents the target heart range.

What is the target heart rate for a 13 year old?


What is the target heart rate for a 13 year old?

I would think it is about 130 beats per minute.

What is the target heart rate for a 13 year old?

What is the weight?

What is the target heart rate for a 13 year old?

Using the easier method (not knowing the resting heart rate)...

220- age= max heart rate.

Decide what percentage you want to have as your target, and multiply the target percentage (decimal format) and the max rate together. This gives you the target heart rate at that percentage.

What is the target heart rate for a 13 year old?

Your target heart rate is specific to the desired benefit. Target heart rates are based off your maximum heart rate, which you cannot determine with any accuracy without have a stress test performed by a qualified facility.

Your maximum heart rate is highly individualized, and will vary from person to person. It does not change with age, it has nothing to do with your level of fitness, and it will vary depending on the activity you perform (it%26#039;s activity-specific).

One generic way of calculating your maximum heart rate is subtracting your age from 220. This is almost never accurate (unless by chance) and gives the impression that older individuals have lower maximum heart rates, which is not true.

It is, however, a VERY conservative estimate, and ensures that you do not exceed a safe level of intensity if you are just beginning a cardio routine. Shoot for 65-75% of this number for starters. More often than not, it will be very easy and you will have to challenge yourself a bit more to make progress.

Also, unless you are using an EKG accurate, chest-strap heart rate monitor, you will have no idea what heart rate you are actually working at (as you cannot go by how you %26quot;feel%26quot;).

What does a low heart rate mean?

it is only 60/minute is that bad? i have been very tired and lethargic lately... and my dad has a thyroid issue... are there any connections there?

What does a low heart rate mean?

u might want 2 get a thyroid check becasue my friend had thryoid problems and was very tired in the beggining and had very low blood pressure 54 beats per minute. U could be suffering form hypothyroidism that is when the thyroid doesnt make enough hormone the website is

What does a low heart rate mean?

When you are just sitting around 60 is normal.

Thyroid tests might be a really good idea...blood test can tell if you have a problem in that area.

What does a low heart rate mean?

60 BPM at rest is quite normal. It is not low.

What does a low heart rate mean?

ur bpm is low

What does a low heart rate mean?

You did not say how old you are.

In general a heart rate between 60-100 is normal.

If you are athletic, then it is even lower than 60.

Thyroid? I would say you may have some thyroid issuses, with your lethargy.

Have a blood test for that.

What does a low heart rate mean?

60 is not a low heart rate. It%26#039;s a perfectly normal, healthy resting heart rate.

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

No worries there!!

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

Thats just about perfect.. Normal ranges are from 60-100 beats per min

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

That%26#039;s good, average is 72 I think and if yours is 10 percent slower you should live ten percent longer, so really you%26#039;re only 39.6 years old now, not even forty!

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

Yeah thats fine

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

That%26#039;s very good. What is your blood pressure?

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

That%26#039;s an excellent pulse rate.

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?


Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

Hey Hunny

No worries :-) Thats fine.

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

that%26#039;s perfect.Norm is is between 60 and 80 beats per min.So..dont worry at all

Im 44 and my heart rate is 65 beats per min rested. is that good or bad?

Mate, that is excellent. 60 is the bog standard average for a young man, probably closer to 70bpm in fact. So yours is definitely above average for your age.

Why does caffeine increas heart rate?

It is a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant. It works in the brain as an adenosine antagonist and can increase levels of adrenaline, making the heart race.

Why does caffeine increas heart rate?

because it is a stimulant and it speeds up the brain and the nervous system which in turn increases your heart rate

Why does caffeine increas heart rate?

it%26#039;s a stimulant

What is the normal heart rate reading of a 34 yrs. old man?

according to the national institutes of health:

For resting heart rate:

* newborn infants; 100 to 160 beats per minute

* children 1 to 10 years; 70 to 120 beats per minute

* children over 10 and adults; 60 to 100 beats per minute

* well-trained athletes; 40 to 60 beats per minute

What is the normal heart rate reading of a 34 yrs. old man?

lets see, 55 to 65 beats per minute doesnt hurt...

at rest

What is the normal heart rate reading of a 34 yrs. old man?

Anywhere between 60-90 beats per minute (resting rate) is normal.

What is the normal heart rate reading of a 34 yrs. old man?

55 to 110 beats/min NORMAL

72 beats/min AVERAGE

What is the normal heart rate reading of a 34 yrs. old man?

around 70

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I'm only afraid he's ha

He only does this when he%26#039;s asleep, When he%26#039;s awake he runs and plays and eats like a normal puppy

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

He is working! He is chasing away all the other dogs, and running through fields, and playing with his siblings, and doing all kinds of fun puppy things in his dreams! This is normal. :)

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

He%26#039;s dreaming

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

He is probobly just dreaming but if you are that nervous take him to the vet and explain everything.

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

He is probably dreaming, however if you are really concerned you may want to ask your vet. My dog does the same when she sleeps and I have seen other dogs do this as well. My dog will even bark in her sleep. I often wonder what she is dreaming about.

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

He%26#039;s only dreaming! Someone asked a similar question about 30 minutes ago. Seriously... all dogs do this once they hit a deep sleep. My 10 week old pup is currently doing this right under my feet as we speak!

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

My dog barks, howls, %26#039;runs%26#039; (feet and body twitch), growls, shakes, wags his tail and does all sorts of crazy things in his sleep. It means he%26#039;s having a great dream and probably catching all those squirrels I won%26#039;t let him chase in the yard.

If you are truly worried, ask your vet about it... but from the description it sounds like your puppy is having great dreams.

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

This is normal, the little guy is in a deep sleep and is going to be fine. I recommend all dog owners STOP feeding wet dog food to our best friends. Try an egg or eggs with rice (depending on the dogs size) or homemade biscuits with small bits of hamburger inside. My dog loves it, but I also feed her dry dog(organic) food in the morning. The Chinese put the fat from food they would not eat in that stuff, not to mention the poison, my dog has lost weight and had more energy since I switched.

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

My puppy use to do that. I thought she was having a seizure too but i decided to wait to see if it went away. I just thought she was having nightmares because we did get her from a pet store in the mall. After a couple of months they went away and know the only thing she does is snore. LOL!

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

i think he%26#039;s dreaming. there is a website that shows (videos) dogs having seizures but of course i cant remember it.

Our new puppy shakes,heart rate goes up and twitches in his sleep. I%26#039;m only afraid he%26#039;s have a seizure

its just dreaming all dogs do it. haha its fine mine always moves its legs like its running and like makes sounds like hes trying to bark haha

What's the target heart rate for a 15 year old girl?

I%26#039;m at the Gym right now ( on my phone ) and forgot.

isn%26#039;t it like 126 or something?

Ugh, I forgot.

What%26#039;s the target heart rate for a 15 year old girl?

For you I believe it would be your resting pulse rate subtracted from 205.

So, figure your pulse rate by counting how many beats for 10 seconds, then multiply it by 6. Subtract that amount from 205.

Example : Pulse rate -- Beat 10 times in 10 seconds. Multiply 10 x 6 = 60. 205-60 = 145

145= target heart rate

What is the best heart rate for me (see details) to lose weight?

For a male 28 years old, 6%26#039;1, weighing 225 lbs., athletic build, moderately active life. Also is running better than walking? And how long?

What is the best heart rate for me (see details) to lose weight?

You subtract your age from 220 to find your maximum heart rate, anything passed that and you will supposedly die. about 60-80% of that i think is a good active heart rate. running is better than walking it stresses your muscles more but 1 mile ran is the same amt of calories lost as 1 mile walked.

What is the best heart rate for me (see details) to lose weight?

Many people ask me how they can slim down. I recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little %26quot;help%26quot;, I suggest using natural Hoodia (it%26#039;s important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says %26quot;pure%26quot; or %26quot;standard%26quot;).

The Hoodia sold at is in my opinion the best Hoodia on the market. It%26#039;s pure, has no side effects, and they give you a free 15 day sample (there is a $7.99 shipping and handling charge, but they also give you free recipe and diet guides). Fantastic results have been seen with this particular Hoodia.

What is a normal heart rate for a 32 year old female, 140 pounds 5 feet tall during exercising?

220-your age take that # and 70% of that # is what your heartrate should be during exercise SOOOOO:

70% of 188 I do not have a caculator

What is a normal heart rate for a 32 year old female, 140 pounds 5 feet tall during exercising?

depends on many factors, blood pressure, your cardiac fitness level, how good your lungs are. what are you exercising for, weight loss, body toning, muscle development.

What is a normal heart rate for a 32 year old female, 140 pounds 5 feet tall during exercising?

depends on what you%26#039;re doing, I%26#039;m not sure about how fit you are, but based on your age I would say 110-160 would be a good range to aim for.

What is a normal heart rate for a 32 year old female, 140 pounds 5 feet tall during exercising?


220-Age=max heart rate

HR-resting heart rate= heat rate resting

min=heart rate resting(hhr)x.6(for beginner)(.7 for intermiediate)

max=(hrr)x.7 or .8(interm.)

u should target ur heart rate between these two numbers to make sure ur actually getting a %26#039;workout%26#039;. best way to measure is to exercise and every 10-15min, continue to exercise if possible or jog, take measurement at neck (right below jaw towards molar teeth), count beats to 6 seconds, start with 0, then multiply by 10. The more u workout the lower ur resting heart rate will be. ur heart rate is high b/c it needs to pump harder to move blood and oxygen. %26#039;fit%26#039; ppl have lower heart rates b/c heart is trained to be more efficient.

To get resting heart rate: when u wake up in the am, stay in bed and dont get up, count ur heart beats, at neck or wrist by thumb area for 1 min.

female resting heart rate

excellent- 47-58

good- 60-65

avg 67-71

What is a normal heart rate for a 32 year old female, 140 pounds 5 feet tall during exercising?

depends on the degree of exercise! If you go over 200 for more than a few minutes you may feel rather ill - I would aim for 130 - 150 max.

What is the average heart rate for a 12-13 year old?

9-11 years 60-110 (88)

12-16 years 60-110 (80)

%26gt;16 years 50-90 (70)

the numbers in parenthesis are the average.

If you want to know your max recomended go here

What is the average heart rate for a 12-13 year old?

Between 60 and 80 are normal for resting

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?


caffeine increas heart rate

Well, to be specific, caffeine (like most pyschoactive drugs) exerts its effect on us by altering the activity of some of our neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the nervous system%26#039;s way of conveying messages between neurons, and also to muscle tissue. Some neurotransmitters that caffeine is known to increase the activity of are norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. The increase in norepinphrine is likely what causes the heart rate to increase, however each of these neurotransmitters has some stimulatory effects. Norepinephrine, however, is a powerfully stimulating neurotransmitter; it is associated with the %26#039;fight or flight%26#039; response, which of course includes an increased heart rate. I believe it may effect epinephrine as well, which is similar to norepinephrine except that it is also a hormone (and a neurotransmitter). This means it has both short and long lasting stimulatory action.

Hope that was helpful!

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

yes, it has .

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

Yes, caffeine is a stimulant, which, in excess, can cause arrhythmia.

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

You bet.

Caffeine is a compound that stimulates your Xanthyne receptors (with actions weekly similar to those of adrenaline) ,,,,its what we call an Alpha stimulant, and tes, definitely it will...

Cofee is contraindicated in people with heart arrhythmias or disrhytmias....

It definitely does..

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

for a while, because it%26#039;s a stimulant.

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

Of course it does sweetie, and is a diuretic too.

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

Yes, it does. Thats why most people feel a boost or more energetic after drinking tea or coffee.

Majority of the energy drinks like red bull, bomb, etc. have caffeine.

Not good for your heart and should drink sparingly.

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

yeah, it speeds it up. Not good for u!

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

in some studies it shows that it spikes your heat rate but when studying caffeine you normally use coffee, and hot liquids raise your heart rate. more so that just caffeine alone, and it is only for about 15 minutes and then it goes back to normal.

Does caffiene effect your heart rate?

1. Studies have shown that caffeine elevates both blood pressure (BP) and heart rate, which may come as no surprise to coffee drinkers familiar with the lift that the beverage delivers. The investigators found that caffeine raised average blood pressure by about 4 points, and pushed average heart rate up by about 3 beats per minute.

The researchers caution that, if sustained by regular coffee-drinking over a lifetime, these increases in blood pressure and heart rate will elevate the risk of stroke and heart disease. Many other studies, some including tens of thousands of subjects followed over decades, have failed to establish a conclusive link between even heavy coffee consumption and cardiovascular disease. The investigators explained that those epidemiologic studies have not focused specifically on coffee consumption, and often rely on subjective measurements of caffeine intake.

2. caffeine increases the strength and frequency of heartbeats

3. Effects on the heart

Caffeine increases the levels of cAMP in the heart cells, mimicking the effects of epinephrine. cAMP diffuses through the cell and acts as a %26quot;secondary messenger,%26quot; activating protein kinase A (PKA; cAMP- dependent Protein Kinase). This increased PKA activity increases the responsiveness of cardiomyocytes to the calcium currents that control beating.

According to one study, caffeine, in the form of coffee, significantly reduces the risk of heart disease in epidemiological studies. However, the protective effect was found only in participants who were not severely hypertensive (i.e. patients that are not suffering from a very high blood pressure). Furthermore, no significant protective effect was found in participants aged less than 65 years or in cerebrovascular disease mortality for those aged equal or more than 65 years.


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