Thursday, June 17, 2010

How do movies affect heart rate?

I have two factors: Adrenaline rushes, and people feel emotionally drained after a sad movie.

How do movies affect heart rate?

I think Comedy movies are the best.. Check this out:

%26quot;Humour Heals%26quot;

%26quot;Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The doctors told him

that they could no longer help him and that he would soon die. So he checked

into a hotel room and hired all the funny movies he could get and watched

and re-watched them over and over, laughing as hard and loud as he could.

After 6 months of this self-inflicted laughter therapy, the doctors were

amazed to find that his illness had been completely cured - the cancer GONE!

This amazing resuld led to the publishing of the book ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS

by Norman Cousins and the start of massive research into the function of

endorphins. Endorphin is a chemical substance that is released from the

brain when you laugh. It has a similar chemical composition to morphine and

heroin and has a tranquilising effect on the body while building the immune

system! This explains why happy people rarely get sick and miserable and

complaining people always seem to be ill.%26quot;

How do movies affect heart rate?

If it has a bunch of flashies. Yes. You will have a seizure. Seriously.

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